

Welcome to Collect by WeTransfer

Hi friends,

You’ve got great taste. Of course you do – you signed up to get our monthly set of unexpected creative stories.

But sometimes in life the inspiration comes too thick and fast right? Well we’ve got your back.

We’ve relaunched our mobile app as Collect, the simplest way to save pictures, links, music and more. Wave goodbye to confusing notes and forgotten folders of screenshots. Now you can organize your content as beautiful boards – perfect for visual thinkers.

We also know good ideas grow when they’re shared, so now you can invite anyone to your boards and build your next plan or project together.

So now you know. Come check it out for yourself...

Beautifully obvious tools to bring your ideas to life. WeTransfer, Collect, Paper, Paste and WePresent.

Illustration by Roman Muradov
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2116 Zeno Pl, Venice, CA 90291, USA (Send snacks.)