

Design systems aren't new—but they're not a cinch to build


NEW on the DesignBetter.Co Podcast—Diana Mounter on building design systems. Why build every digital product from ...


Why build every digital product from scratch when you could plug in pre-built elements? This question isn’t a new one, but it’s gaining traction fast.

GitHub’s Design System Manager Diana Mounter says design systems have been around for a long time, though companies today are more inclined to adopt and support these Holy Grails of efficiency.

“One of the biggest impacts is people being able to get further without design help. An engineer can get pretty far building out a prototype, or taking a first pass at a new feature. It doesn't mean you don't need a designer—it's just that other team members can get further than they could before.”

In this new episode of the DesignBetter.Co podcast, Aarron and Eli chat with Diana about everything from getting design system buy-in to improving the velocity of work and team culture. Tune in, then make sure you subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play—we have more must-listen episodes on the way.

Enjoy the episode,

Claire Karjalainen

Design Education at InVision